How to deal with the common cold

Hello everyone.

Sorry I’ve been a little quiet for some time. There was a vote going on in Scotland recently and it sort of caused some discussion at times. Not sure if you were aware of it?

But anyway. On top of this vote, I was struck down in my prime by what can only be described as the devil with a serious grudge for me. I was annihilated. Floored. Gubbed. All of them. Completely done in.

You’re probably thinking I’m overreacting or just a hypochondriac but I can tell you I’m not. Even ask my mum and boyf who had to deal with me throughout my darkest days.

So here’s my illness story and possibly you can relate as we’ve all been ill in our lives. Just probably not as ill as me when I’m struck down with the common cold.


Day 1 was Friday of last week. I woke up fine, made my way to work but felt the compelling urge to drink fountains of water to help lubricate my dry throat. The water didn’t help. I spent the day almost drowning myself from the inside out with copious amounts of water.

Cue Saturday, feeling ok. Getting by but feeling kind of tired.

And then hell broke lose on Sunday. I woke up choked up and found myself sneezing uncontrolably. Continue reading